Business Mastermind Curriculum


Everything you’re searching for starts with Alignment. Without alignment building a profitable  business that’s force for good will be next to impossible. I’ve developed a series of signature training and coaching designed to help you attain the clarity and confidence you’ve been craving to profit with purpose.

Includes Three Soulful Business Building Tools

  1. The Business Alignment Roadmap: Get clarity on Your Business Vision and

    learn the secret to Setting Soulful Goals (workbook)

  2. Own Your Superpowers: Discover the unique strengths that set you apart

    from your competition and unlock how to leverage them (workbook)

  3. The Power of your WHY: Get aligned with your purpose and own the why at

    the heart of your business (strategy session and workbook)


Cultivating the right  mindset and transforming your relationship with money is a non-negotiable  and fundamental practice all wellness entrepreneurs must do if they want to make the impact and income they desire.  If you struggle with charging your worth, are holding back because you’re afraid of being judged or failing, and are having trouble seeing consistent growth in your business –you’re going to love my Mindset & Money Mastery module.

Includes Five  Soulful Business Building Tools

  1. The “F” Word: How to use fear to your advantage: Mindset shifts to help you  overcome your fear of judgement, failure, and not feeling good enough (strategy session and workbook)

  2. The Stories we tell Ourselves: Break through your limiting blocks and beliefs that keep you from living your purpose and sharing your gifts that matter (strategy session and workbook)

  3. Money Mistakes: The most common money blocks, beliefs and mistakes wellness entrepreneurs make that keep them broke and how to transform them in order to grow your business.

  4. The Energetics of Making Meaningful Money: Harness the energetics of money and overcome what’s blocking you from attracting abundance (strategy session and workbook)

  5. Purpose and Profit Plan: Get clear on your money goals in order to manifest it.


There is something worse than having no customers and that’s having the wrong ones. And I’m sure you already know that your vibe attracts your tribe right?But how about some practical business tools to help you put that into practice. This module is dedicated to making you so magnetic that suddenly your perfect customers are all around you. Even if you’ve done a “client avatar” worksheet, I promise you haven’t learned my aligned approach.

Includes two Soulful Business Building Tools

  1. Your High Vibe Client Profile: Getting clear on who you really want to serve is an essential step that when it comes to building a profitable business with soul. You’ll learn how to do that in this fun and effective Exercise and training.

  2. Dream Client Align & Attract Formula: Know what makes your dream customer tick and unlock the ways to attract them (workbook)


This module helps you bust through the imposter syndrome once and for all. I’ll give you the tools and confidence to live your own brand, be unapologetically you, and step into your authentic self every day.

Includes Four Soulful Business Building Tools

  1. Aligning your Personal Brand with soul: Build your soul-packed personal brand in total alignment with your purpose using these fundamental ingredients (workbook)

  2. Creating soulful offerings that sell : Align your offerings in a way that will connect and convert with your  dream clients. You’ll learn how to the infuse your gifts, experiences and expertise, so that your customers can’t wait to work with you (strategy session and workbook)

  3. Your Badass Bio Formula: Write a bio that attracts & sells using my five steps (workbook)


Ditching the ick factor and owning your worth is vital to your spiritual success. Through a blend of signature  training and practical tools, you’ll learn how to successful sell with soul and create marketing magic that grow your impact and income.

Includes Five Soulful Business Building Tools

  1. The Psychology of Selling with soul: Discover the 6 core human desires and how they relate to making buying decisions.

  2. Why feelings sell: How to identify the main emotions that your high vibe dream clients need to feel in order to successfully sell with soul

  3. The Secrets to Soulful Selling: These 5 must-have tools help you confidently sell without feeling salesy, icky, or awkward AF and  attract the right clients who want to buy from you.  

  4. Magical Marketing Must-Have’s: Learn to implement the 5 C ‘s for simple and successful marketing that connects and converts - while having FUN! (workbook)

  5. The #1 overlooked and underused Tribe Growing Secret; Build your list using my failsafe essential freebie formula (workbook)

  6. List Building Strategy: Create a simple and effective high-VALUE email strategy that grows your tribe and converts readers into clients.  All without feeling overwhelmed, or spending endless hours coming up with content.


Sure, you were born to help others, but taking care of yourself consistently and expanding your spirituality, which is grossly underrated, is the key to creating lasting and meaningful success that matters. I’ll help you set up a sustainable self-care system and spiritual practice that will elevate your business on a whole new level.

Includes Two Soulful Business Building Tools

  1. My Top Self-Care Rituals; Learn how to effortlessly implement these core rituals plus why they’re non-negotiable for your happiness and long-term business success (guidebook)

  2. Magic Morning Routine: Learn how a morning ritual fuels your soul and success and how to create the right one for you.

  3. My F.A.S.T.E.R formula to creating soulful success aligned success (video plus worksheet)

  4. Raise your Vibes and Manifest Magic Toolbox: Learn how to effectively raise your frequency in order to manifest the opportunities, clients, and cash flow you want (worksheet)

  5. Expand your intuitive Superpowers:  Learn how to tune in and follow your intuition  in order to make the right business decisions that fuel your purpose and profits