WHo the virtual tarot READINGS are for:
The soulprenuer, light-worker or purpose driven woman usually falls into 1 or 3 of these categories:
You feel stuck when it comes to reaching your goals (career, relationship, business, or personal)
You want to uncover your hidden blocks, fears and past life influences that are holding you back, reconnect with your higher wisdom, and learn what next steps you need to take to move forward with them.
You’ve got a decision to make
You are afraid of upsetting people/being judged for going after what you really want. You’re looking for some insight, clarity and guidance for your situation and want to make sure that you’re making the most aligned choice for you! ( Not what you “should” do)
You know you’re meant for more but are not sure what that really looks like or where to start
You’re looking for some soul-clarity and guidance on how to start living out your soul purpose and pursue your calling.
Here’s HOW THE virtual TAROT READINGS WOrk & WHAT’s included in this 60 SESSION:
First, we’re going to pull some tarot cards and I’m going to give you a personal tarot reading because that’s my jam and word on the street is I’m pretty fricken’ good at it. Then we’re going to dig into the meaning behind these cards, why they were pulled and how it’s affecting you now and in your future when it comes to aligning your soul and what you want in life. The cards will also give you insight on and reveal what your current blocks, fears and your past life influences/karma are and how to move forward in your situation with greater confidence and clarity.
We finish the reading off with me likely asking you some hard and honest questions and bringing things to the surface on why your subconscious has been f’ing you over (this is where the coaching comes in!) You’ll be set up with some applicable and tangible ways you can start to see, feel, and make changes that are aligned with what you really want...today.
You’re going to be more clear and confident on how to align your soul’s desires and get what you want in life, so make sure you have a pen and paper ready. Jot down any soul insights, takeaways and action steps I recommend during the sesh because it’s going to be a lot to take in, and your brain may need a break after.
Please note all 60 minute tarot readings take place via ZOOM. Once you book your session, you will receive a ZOOM link for our audio only virtual reading:)
Clearness and Confidence on your soul strength and how to leverage it in your current situation in order to start living in alignment with what you want.
How your past lives/karma effect your current situation and what you need to learn from them in order to move forward with greater ease.
Uncover and move past hidden fears and blocks that are keeping you overwhelmed, stuck and frustrated.
Clarity, confidence and guidance on the next steps you need to take in order to make your soul goals, dreams and vision come to life.
Reconnect with your higher self and expand your intuition and inner wisdom.