I frequently get asked “Renata, how do I know if it’s my intuition or fear talking?”
I get its sometimes tough to tell the difference when that gut feeling hits.
“Am I being a scaredy cat? Or is my intuition on point.” Because we’ve been conditioned to act from a place of logic most of our lives and go against our inner knowing.
Here are the three most important things that separate fear from intuition:
1) TIME: Intuition focuses on the present and doesn’t worry about the past or future. It doesn’t use your past experiences as evidence for your choice. Fear focuses on the past or future. It uses past traumas, experiences and situations to support its argument.
2) EMOTION: Intuition is uncharged- it’s neutral and unemotional. Fear is highly emotionally charged- it has an anxious, worrisome and catastrophic energy around it. .
3) FEELING: intuition feels light and expansive whereas fear feels restrictive and heavy.
Helpful? Let me know your thoughts! Share in the comments below.